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Newsletter - June 11, 2008 | Vol. 9


Use Guest for both Username and Password


Presentation of the system:





Maxinet Product Family

Meitav-tec is proud to announce that the new and improved
MaxiNet 7.0 software is now available.

The upgraded version of MaxiNet 7.0 has been already successfully installed in hotels, office buildings and shopping malls worldwide.

MaxiNet 7.0, a web based, Mini BMS application for controlling Central HVAC System, has been designed specifically for small to medium thermostat networks
(40-150 units).

Take a look at MaxiNet's 7.0
          powerful features:

Remote access to the BMS via the
   internet & local intranet
Full control of all units
Easy installation wizard –
   "Plug & Play"

Simple, user friendly interface

Multi-language interface
  (further languages can be added)
Allows gradual expansion of network
Numerous, cost efficient, flexible
  'weekly programs' for unit /zone
'Special event tool' –
   unique programs for holidays or 
   special days
Option to lock end-units through 

Controls also other energy
   consuming devices/systems via I/O
   Card (CTU1601)

While developing the new software, Meitav-tec has made it a priority to ensure that MaxiNet 7.0 will remain extremely user friendly with regard to operation and installation as well as cost effective.

MaxiNet 7.0 allows users remote access to the HVAC system from anywhere in the world via internet for easy monitoring and control. This undoubtedly makes it the best solution for both owners and maintenance supervisors. MaxiNet 7.0 does not require special implementation or in depth knowledge of computers or programming; it is ready to use immediately after having connected the HVAC units.


As a mini BMS, MaxiNet 7.0 can include an I/O card in its network to control other energy consuming devices / systems, such as air compressor, chiller and lights.
MaxiNet 7.0
is also highly economic and can ultimately save users 20-30% of overall electricity expenses. In a world of limited energy resources, Meitav-tec does it utmost to provide you with energy saving, environmentally friendly "mini B.M.S.". MaxiNet 7.0 offers self-determined weekly programs for maintenance supervisors to decide on each hour and day which unit/s or zone/s will turn on/off, or alternatively, will switch to another mode, set point temperature and more. The "Special Event Tool" is an additional energy saving feature; it allows calling off or modifying temporarily the HVAC schedule on holidays or special days which take place on working days.

Check out the MaxiNet 7.0
software by "playing" with
the online demo version.

Link to the demo:
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Maxinet Product Family
Category Product Name Category Product Name
Software MaxiNet 7 Software Thermostats   ETN-C-24-HC11-1S
Master Control MCU ETN-C-24-HC22-1S
FC Controllers  PS-1800-FC-SUPER  ETN-C-24-HP21-1S
  PS-1800-P-3S-FC-Super    ETN-C-24-HP32-1S
  PS-1800-PM2-3S-FC-SUPER   ETN-C-24-SUPER (1S)
  General Outputs Card PS1600
 AC Controllers  PS-1800-AC-SUPER  Input - Output Card  CTU1601

  * All PS Product Family has an alternative, advanced option as a CTU.
     Further details will be soon available.

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